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IBM |  1 min read

Watch: The IBM HSE Product Roadmap

Is Health and Safety at the top of your list? Join IBM STSM and Lead Product Architect Russell Bee to find out what the roadmap will be for IBM Maximo HealthSafety and Environmental (HSE), and what product updates have been rolled out lately. 

Health and safety are crucial components of any asset intensive business, and getting it right from day one is important. Maximo Health, Safety and Environment Manager provides enterprises with applications that support integrated processes for improving safety, reliability, environmental, and operational performance in compliance with regulations. Key objectives are to reduce operational risk and to increase return on assets.  

Find out what the latest IBM Maximo Health, Safety and Environmental product updates are, and what new features are part of IBM’s roadmap in this video presentation from IBM STSM and Lead Product Architect Russell Bee.  

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