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Keep Ahead Of The Tsunami Of Disruption – Come To Accelerate 2017

This year, Renault-Nissan plans to add a "single-lane control" feature to cars that will allow for hands-free driving on freeways and in heavy traffic. And the company plans to launch 10 models in the next four years featuring autonomous driving technology.

This is just a small example of the constant technological and digital disruption that surrounds us.

The reality of huge change is why Certus Solutions is proud to be a key sponsor of Accelerate 2017, a programme of events in Wellington, Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney focused on digital disruption featuring lessons from the coalface of innovation and interactive sessions designed to stimulate all your senses.

What LEGO + The New York Times Have Been Learning About Disruption, Innovation + Artificial Intelligence - Executive Breakfast Briefing

Learn how some of the world’s most renowned companies have creatively responded to radical, systems-wide change and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and get insights into how to keep ahead of this tsunami of change.

  • Hear the stories behind adapting to radical, systems-wide change that LEGO and The New York Times have faced, and meet internationally-renowned innovators.
  • Taste Artificial Intelligence in action as Chef Watson delivers intriguing menu combinations in collaboration with MasterChef Simon Gault.
  • See and learn what is happening at the coalface of innovation that is helping businesses prosper in the face of disruption.

At this breakfast event, keynote speaker David Gram will describe how LEGO found its way back to profitability. David’s career includes a period as head of marketing development at LEGO Future Lab. He drove the establishment of the lab, which has the mission of coming up with and trying out new ideas. Hear how he helped turn LEGO into the “Apple of toys.”


Embracing Design Thinking – Perspectives On Meaningful Change 

The media industry faced great upheaval with the advent of the Internet and even the biggest players weren’t immune from this radical market disruption.

The New York Times made their first move to the world wide web in 1996 with NYTimes.com. But it was far from a real-time news source; only being updated daily with stories from that day’s paper.

More than a decade later, the media outlet had failed to move with the times and its revenue took a massive hit as readers turned to other online publications. But what happened next was a comeback that would see The New York Times regain its place as a media juggernaut.

  • Hear this fascinating story about reinvention for the digital, social age and how other companies have transformed their operations. 
  • See and learn first-hand how to use Design Thinking to get breakthroughs in your business. 
  • Taste Artificial Intelligence in action as Chef Watson delivers lunch in collaboration with MasterChef Simon Gault. 

See all the event details and the full lineup of speakers here.


What The Space Programme Can Teach Industry About Process, Knowledge Retention And Teamwork 

A third event will run alongside Embracing Design Thinking, exploring how systems professionals can mitigate what Astronaut Mike Mullane labels “predictable surprises”. This is when time, budget and project pressures force teams to cut corners which inevitably leads to negative outcomes that could’ve been foreseen.

In an exclusive video interview, Astronaut Mike Mullane will talk about how space travel gave him a unique perspective on balancing risk and agility against safety and process.

  • Hear him and other speakers discuss upholding project standards without sacrificing accuracy.
  • See and learn why 'predictable surprises' happen and how you can design systems to mitigate these.
  • Taste Artificial Intelligence in action as Chef Watson delivers lunch in collaboration with MasterChef Simon Gault. 


Here’s what people had to say about last year’s event:

“Wonderful way to delight attendees while educating them at the same time.”

“The sessions were lively and tactile. Telling the stories around digital disruption, seeing it in action (i.e. Simon and Chef Watson) makes it memorable. A unique and edgy session.”

“I was felt like I was watching the finals of a Wimbledon Tennis match. Every thought, every idea was filled with amazing and interesting technology trends. A power-packed bombastic performance by everyone.”

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